Aged 10 years I sketched my first house.
Aged 19 years I started—by chance—a side job as a furniture deliveryman. When clients asked me for advice, I started designing. Through a bit of bluffing, the confidence of my boss and the success I experienced along the way, I only became more enthusiastic about the interior design profession.
Aged 26 years I was contacted by Eyeworks, which resulted in a role in Stay or Go, Je Eigen Droomhuis (Your Own Dream House), Shownieuws (Show News), Hotel Rules and over 300 episodes of Huizenjacht (Home Hunt).
Aged 28 years Together with one of my two current business partners, André de Vos, I took over a friend’s father’s furniture business.
Today André de Vos and I run Kabaz architectural firm together. Alongside that, I design various products, furniture lines or special design requests for multiple brands: Formani, Nilson, Wajer, Borek & Porsche.

When I was about 8 years old, my parents allowed me to take drawing lessons. Every week I received a booklet with examples, and I had to practise by following them. I would then send in my drawings and the week afterwards, I would get them back with a grade and some tips.
This was my first 'house', I was ten at the time and always wanted to sign everything. I still remember well drawing this with a fountain pen and a little bottle of ink. The other day, my mother showed up with it; in a frame! My parents had held on to it for all that time.